Interpreted and Compiled Programming Languages with Basics

Chandima Jayamina
5 min readJun 14, 2024


Programming Languages

It helps us tell computers what to do. Computer language is called machine code. Machines understand 1|0. There are 2 types of programing languages. Interpreted(scripted) and compiles.

Interpreted Languages

Interpreted languages like Python and HTML operated through the interpreter on your computer or browser.

Examples :

  • Javascript : simpler scripting language that runs through web browser interpreter
  • Python : popular because it is easy to learn and use
  • Lua : General purpose game scripting language, easy to learn and use
  • HTML : markup language used for formating web pages

Compiled Languages

Its more like an app, you runs on your computer. It is packages or compiled to one executable file. They are usually larger programs. Used to solve more challenging problems like interpreting source code.

Examples :

  • C,C++,C# used in many operating system creation like windows, apple
  • Java : works well across platforms like android

Interpreted VS Compiled

Query and Assembly programming languages

High Level programming languages

  • More sophisticated
  • Use common English
  • Includes Query languages(SQL), structured programming languages(Pascal), OOP (python)

Low level languages

  • use simple symbols to represent machine code(0|1)
  • Includes Assembly languages (ARM, MIPS, X86)
  • Closely tied to CPU architecture

SQL VS NoSQL(Not only SQL)

Key difference is data structures.

SQL : Relational, Use structured predifined schemas

NoSQL : Non relational dynamic schemas for unstructured data

Query language is used to :

  • Request data from db
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete data in db (CRUD operations)
  • DB consist of structured tables with multiple rows and columns of data.
  • when user performs a queary, DB retrieves data from the table and arrange data into some sort of order. Return and present the query results.

Assembly languages

  • Simple readable format
  • Enter one line at a time
  • One statement per line
  • Assembly languages are translated using as assembler instead of compiler or interpreter
  • One statement translated into just one machine code instruction
  • Assembler translate assembly language to machine code using mnemonics. Input(INP), Output(OUT), Load(LDA)
  • Statements consist of opcodes that tell CVPU what to do with data and Operands that tell CPU where to find the data

Understand Code Organization methods

This is important to have readability, maintainability and configuring. Planing and organizing software design enables writing cleaner more reliable code, helps improve code base and reduces bugs and errors through out the life span of project. Provide consistent and logical format while coding.

We can do this by

Pseudocode : Informal, High-level algorithm description. Step-by-step sequence of solving problem. Helps to share ideas. This not depend on programming language. Better for larger problems

Flowchart : Pictorial representation of algo, displays steps as boxes and arrows. Can used in designing or documenting a process or program. Better for smaller problems examples: MS Visio, Lucidchart,, DrawAnywhere

Lets see hello world in different languages

// C Programming 

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
compile : gcc -o hello helloworld.c
run : ./hello

// JavaProgramming

public class helloworld{
public static void main(String s[]){
System.out.println("Hello world")
compile : javac
run : java helloworld
// Python

print("Hello World!")
run : python3
// Node js

console.log("Hello World!");
run : node helloworld.js
// Go language

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello World!")
run : go run helloworld.go
# Ruby

puts "Hello World!";

# run : ruby helloworld.rb
// PHP

Print "Hello, World!\n";
run : php helloworld.php
// C++

#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
return 0;
compile : g++ -o helloworld_cpp helloworld.cpp
run : ./helloworld_cpp
# Perl

print("Hello World\n");

# run : perl
# Shell scripting

echo "Hello World!"

# run : sh
<!-- HTML --> 

Hello World!

run : By double click the file it will open in your browser

Looping and Branching

Programming Concepts (Identifiers and Containers)

Identifiers : Use to reference program components such as stored values, methods, Interfaces, Classes by assigning custom label to it. Identifier can a constant or variable only.


  • Constants easier to read in code
  • Change the constant value once to change all instances in the code


  • Data value can be changed
  • Declare and assign data type and intial value to variable upon definition

Containers : Special type of identifier to reference multiple program elements. Containers can be either Array or Vector

Array : Fixed number of elements stored in sequential order, starting at zero(Fixed size). When declaire arry you need to specify what type of data you are going to put(int, float, string)

Vector : Dynamic size. Automatically resize as elements added or removed. Take more memory space than arrays. Take longer to access as not stored in sequential memory.

Programming Concepts (Functions and Objects)

Functions(subroutines, procedures, methods, modules) : With consequences of modular software development we restrict to one code block perform one task. So function is structured, stand-alone, reusable code that performs a single specific action. This helps to divide complex program into smaller pieces that is more manageable.

Objects : OOP is a programing methodology focused on objects rather than functions. (Procedure programming focused on functions). Objects contains data in the form of properties(attributes) and code in form of procedures(methods). OOP packages methods with data structures. Object operate on their own data structures.Objects in programming consists of states(properties) and behaviours(methods). Store properties in fields(variables). Expose their behaviors through methods(functions)

Thanks for the resources : IBM Introduction to Software Engineering 🤓



Chandima Jayamina
Chandima Jayamina

Written by Chandima Jayamina

Aspiring Data Scientist with a DevOps background. Exploring machine learning, data analysis, and predictive modeling. Sharing my journey in tech.

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